The Struggle is real


19 Posts Published


April 29, 2020


The struggle is real …..but my strength will overcome

Heavenly Father, You are a God of restoration. I know that everything You shall bring it to pass. You said it in your Word. I know it will be in your perfect timing and perfect will, help me to be patient and teach me to watch and wait for you. Teach me to face hurt and trials with the mindset of “counting it as pure joy.” Today is a new day, give me the strength to embrace and surrender to the process of making me more mature and usable, for Your good and glory. Believing the pain will be worth the gain! May I grow in endurance and perseverance. May I mature and be made complete that I may lack nothing as I do your will and wait for your promises to be fulfilled. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Meditating on: The trials in my life are developing Christ-like character.
That is a reason for joy in the midst of them