The Waiting Room


19 Posts Published


April 4, 2020


God’s waiting room may be the most important space we encounter in life. It’s where God tests our commitment and grows our faith. It’s where we prepare for the next leg of the journey. As we wait on the Lord, we learn and experience trust.
Perhaps today you are waiting on God to provide a new job, unemployment check, healing of a sickness, or mend a broken relationship or your prodigal child to come home or for your anxiety to level out or for this virus that is attacking our world to go away. The journey feels longer than you like, and you are flat-out tired of waiting. Take heart. The God who loves you beyond measure is right there with you in your wait. He longs to provide the strength you need to keep from barging ahead on your own. He has not left you alone in the wait.
We are in God’s waiting room.
What we perceive as waiting on God is actually his wooing. He longs to draw you close and equip you well.
Waiting on God requires us to put aside our way of doing things and trust His timing and plan
Let us remember the storms, we are facing, are not there to destroy or discourage us. You don’t have to be afraid; you don’t have to question God’s willingness to intervene or wonder whether He hears your prayers. You’re just sitting in heaven’s incubator, the place where God reveals Himself to those who understand the power of the waiting room. The waiting room is the place we learn to depend upon the Word of God to do the work until it becomes manifested in the natural realm.
Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, We are in the waiting room, and It is hard waiting on answers. Let our soul be flooded with encouragement from your presence. Fill us with eager anticipation, not for the wait to end, but to be prepared to walk through Your answer. Help us embrace Your perfect timing. Amen.
1. Are you in God’s waiting room right now?
2. Has God promised to do things in and through you?
3. 3.Commit these promises to God, and do what He’s called you to do today.
4. Share a promise that you are standing on today while in the waiting room.
5. What are you learning while in the living room?
6. What do you do while waiting?