Church, Faith, Life, Relationships
The Book of Ephesians has an abundance of wisdom to share with us that will reveal where our identity should be anchored. When we anchor our identity in Christ, the shifting winds of change that inevitably happen in life won’t sink our ship.
Over the next six weeks we’ll look at these topics from Ephesians:
1. “The Struggle in Ephesus”: where our identity is centered
2. “New Life in Christ”: our identity reconciled with God
3. “New Life in Community”: our identity reconciled with people
4. “Pursuing Unity in Christ”: our identity unified in the local church
5. “ Pursuing Holiness in Christ”: how our identity shapes our behavior
6. “Be Strong in Christ”: the war against our identity
My prayer is that everyone will dig deeper into the truths of Scripture as we pursue honesty with ourselves and our small groups. The more we’re vulnerable with our weaknesses, the closer and safer our groups will become. The closer and safer our groups become, the healthier we’ll become, and the more we’ll begin living in the freedom and strength of our identity in Christ.
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