Do you desire to live in God’s presence 24/7?
Hungry for His presence. Desire being in the presence of the Lord daily. Want this to be your greatest priority? Seeking His presence with all your heart, having him dwell in marriage, relationships, finances, your children, mental wellness and workplace. We have the opportunity to be in His presence all the time, (“In Him we live and move and have our being” Acts 17:28). Sisterfriend are you ready for His presence in all ways, always?
God is omnipresent, His presence is always with us, we long to experience Him. Some sisterfriends want to experience Him in a new way. Some sisterfriends want to know Him deeper. Some sisterfriends know and experience Him yet seek purpose. Wherever you are in experiencing the Lord . . . today’s your day to become a part of a 7-month journey towards discovering and experiencing God in a fuller more meaningful way.
"Coming Into His Presence"
The 7 Month Journey-
Focused Topical Bible Studies and Guides
How to Study Scripture
Power of Applying Scripture
Tips and Tools for Memorizing Scripture
Tips and Tools for Preparing and Sharing Your Testimony
Tips and Tools for Journaling
Daily Journal Prompts
Discovering Your Identity in Christ
Biblical Counseling
Large and Small Group Gatherings
Prayer Gatherings
Sisterfriends Accountability Partners
Customized Playlists for the Journey
Closing 3-day Retreat